Tuesday 2 May 2017

Buy Lortab 500mg Online Legally


Lortab is a medication which is produced by combining two pain killers. Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen are the main chemicals in Lortab. It is a pain relief medication used to treat moderate to severe pain.

Important safety information

Lortab should not be consumed without doctor’s approval, if you have any medical condition related to liver, stomach, bowel, colon, kidney, blood pressure, brain, sleep, breathing or addiction history.
Lortab is not safe for use in pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.
A person should not take this medication, if he or she is allergic to the active ingredient that is present in this medication.
Consumption of Lortab may induce Weight Loss. Remember that the drug is addictive and can cause other problems if misused.
Tell your doctor if you took MAO inhibitor few days before as it is recommended not to take Lortab immediately after it.
Taking Lortab with other medications might cause drug interactions hence know about all possible interactions before consuming another drug.
Just like other drugs, consumption of alcohol should be avoided while taking this pain relief medication.
Check with a health care professional whether you can take Lortab medication or not before deciding to take the pills.

Dosage and administration

The common dose limit for Lortab is 300 mg for every 6 hours for pain. The dose limit varies based on your weight, age, reason for consumption, tolerance level and response to drug.
The common dose limit for weight loss is 300 mg per day. This is generic information. Dosage limit explained by doctor should be followed at all costs.